This Mom came ready to rock and roll for her maternity session in Austin ~ She’s a tiny wee thing and in amazing shape as she’s a Crossfit Trainer.  However, what really floored me was that…get this…she likes Red Green!  Are you kidding me??  The goofiest Canadian show and she not only knows it, she LIKES it!  Her husband hasn’t seen an episode yet, but they’ve been trying to find them so that he knows what she’s talking about…I couldn’t stop laughing!!  Well Victoria, I’ve got one for you…My father-in-law went to school with him!!!

I hope you enjoy your images 🙂  And best of luck in the days to come!

Shona xox

ps Don’t you just LOVE the Pinkle Toes purple couch!!!  It didn’t fit in my carry on luggage, so I had to leave it there 😉
