Yup, this post is long overdue…Not sure where the month has gone since my son turned 2, but it’s past and here I am FINALLY posting a couple snapshots from his big par-tay.
First, there was another baking exstravaganza…And THIS is why I don’t bake…
I don’t know what it is about baking, but my brain goes out the window and flour flies…EVERYWHERE! I can roll sushi, I can cook Thai food and I’ve never met a gnocci I didn’t like, but man, flour, butter, sugar and eggs sends me to a quivering mass in the corner!
After this little, ahem, mess was cleaned up, I did finally make a train cake that had so much icing, die and candy on it, I was quite certain my son would be in instant shock. He was actually vibrating before he ate anything he was just so excited at the prospect!
I don’t normally load him up with sugar, but hey, you only turn 2 once, right!?
I’m glad you enjoyed your cake wee man! xoxox