My son is allll boy.  Rough and tumble.  Into e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.!  AND, he’ll be 2.5yrs old in two days.  Where did the time go?  He torments his big sister, yet is the first to give her a big hug in the morning and misses her dearly when she’s at school.  He’s also quite petrified of the barber…so he’s sporting quite the “hockey hair” at the moment.  I think it looks adorable, but I guess it is getting a little long as I’m oh so tempted to stick a barrette in the front!!  Oh well, we’ll figure out something, but for now, enjoy my shaggy little cheesy eating munchkin!  I could just gobble up those little freckles across his nose…sigh…

