Those who know me well know that I am an outdoors girl at heart.  I LOVE the mountains, hiking, fresh air, cross-country skiing in quiet solitude (or pulling my screaming kids behind me in the Chariot  😉 ).  So when I was contacted by {J} to do a maternity session outside of Ottawa, in the woods, with a log cabin I jumped at it!  It was actually a little disconcerting driving out there as after about an hour, when the snow became thicker and more magical, the roads a little more narrow and the quiet more present, I could literally feel the tension oozing out of my shoulders.  Why is this a bad thing?  Well, although uncomfortable at the time, I like that little shot of adrenalin to get my “game face” on and it keeps me on my toes!

After driving down the snow covered lane to the house (oh, and did I mention it was on a lake?), I leaped out and said, “Are you kidding me!  This is amazing!  AND, would you be up to going back to that run down farm on the road back there??  Please, pretty please?”

Being the awesome all Canadian girl that she is, she was up for the challenge!  However, we had to get warmed up and do some more classic shots first:

And then we left the boys behind and went out to play!

And probably my favourite shot from the session just because we were laughing so hard (I was seriously glad she didn’t go into labour as she’s 37 weeks!)…I think I’ll call it “Waiting”.

Thanks so much for having me out and being such great sports!  I truly loved this session and can’t wait to see your wee babe 😉
