Archive for Photography Workshops

My last post was about having vision and trying new things…well that I did!  I attended an OCF (off camera flash) workshop in Ottawa this past weekend which was led by Ali Hohn.  I was joined by some rather amazing photographers from Ottawa, Petawawa, London ON & New York State.  It was a fantastic opportunity to network and play with gear…there was a lot of sweet glass strolling around Ottawa!  And, we were less than inconspicuous with the soft boxes & umbrellas.  At one point I felt a little weird as people were taking pictures of us taking pictures…my 15 mins of fame are now over 🙂

The actual studio stuff wasn’t super new to me, but using it outside was definitely something new!  I learned that…well, that surprise surprise I want more gear!  It never ends, really.  😉

There are so many images and sessions to share, so I better get started!  Young Schyler was our go-to model as she was the daughter of one of the photographers who traveled to attend.  She was so sweet and put up with soooo many things (bugs, sand, goosebumps, sleep deprivation etc. etc.), but she was a trooper and never complained to us once (her Mom, now I here other reports on that…lol!).  But seriously, thank you so much for all that you did kiddo!

Day two had us creating images on the hill with some rather amazing models…whoa…My camera went into overdrive!

The afternoon/evening was spent honing our skills…unfortunately Mother Nature didn’t cooperate, so we didn’t quite get the sunset images I was hoping for, nor the night lights…but what can you do?

Here’s a few more images from the day:

Day 3 was spent gazing through my camera at some more beautiful people…life’s rough, huh?

There’s so many more images I could share, but I’ve probably lost you all already 😉  Thank you so much to all of our models!  You were amazing and we couldn’t have done the workshop without you!!

Shona xo

After being in Victoria with my Mom, I had the pleasure and privilege of attending the Shannon Sewell Workshop in Red Deer, Alberta at the end of April.  Thankfully the stars aligned and I was able to spend a good chunk of time with my Mom AND get to attend the workshop!  I was one lucky girl!

Let me first say it was a pleasure meeting Shannon.  She was extremely down to earth and forthcoming with her knowledge.  She also brought Jeff Holt who is an amazing photographer from Charlotte, NC.  They packed a lot into that one day workshop and left me with more questions than answers…which is a good thing.  Vision/style whatever you want to call it has to come from within and as an artist, only you can figure that out.  It’s a process and it ebbs and flows.  And that’s okay!  They inspired me to be better, to try new things and, on some level, gave me permission to fail.  Sounds absurd, I know, but that is how we grow.

Thank you for a wonderful day!
