My heart skipped a beat when I saw this little guy…It really did!!  He was so sweet in his bouncy chair at the ripe ol’ age of 18 days…And then I moved him 😉  Actually, although wee Dean didn’t want much to do with the whole sleeping gig, he was happy as a clam to look around, check me out and show his curiosity as to what on earth I was doing.  So, I sat down and had a chat with him.  It went something like this:

Me:  “Dean.  I’m stubborn.  I’m more stubborn than any 18 day old as I have had many years experience digging my heals in.  You will fall asleep eventually, so why don’t you just give in and we can go about our day?”

Him:  Blink, blink.  Drool.

Well, eventually I did win and we got some amazing shots with oodles more to come!  Enjoy 🙂

Happy Wednesday 🙂
