Nov 06, 2009
posted in My Life with 0 Comments

Ah yes, the chill is in the air.  Mittens are out, toques are on, snowsuits are just around the corner.  I have to say I’m a little less than happy about this.  I used to love winter…I think that was bk (before kids) when the long process of getting everyone out the door became a mammoth task of malto-meal proportions like the poor kid in “A Christmas Story”.

This “news” clip pretty much sums up my feelings.

And what makes it worse is I used to be one of the “chosen few” on the west coast.  I used to love it when my family would call me in February and tell me about the daffodils blooming when I was chin deep in snow in N. Alberta…sheesh.

At least we’re supposed to have a warm snap this weekend!  Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!!
