Yup. I’ve never done birth photography and certainly hadn’t planned on doing any last Sunday when we went to Stanley’s Olde Maple Lane Farm for some Cabane à Sucre, but boy did we get a show! We’re strolling through the stables and there’s this major crowd around the cow’s pen. I look in and within a few minutes (literally!) this is what we saw!

bovine blog

It happened so fast and I cracked up at the look on my daughter’s face…”Mommy. You did THAT!?” “Well, yes, but you didn’t come out feet first and you were a total slacker…you didn’t walk on your first day!”

It was pretty amazing to see and I’m glad for the Mommy cow’s sake that it was a quick birth. Truly incredible!

And if you haven’t gone for any maple syrup yet, get on it 🙂 Yummo!

Shona xo
