Why am I so excited you ask?  Well, I’ll give you a hint…

What?  That didn’t help?  Hmm….Okay a few more hints:

– UT is located in this State.

– I may come home with a 10 gallon & poop kickers.

– Home of Brad Womack, but you’d only know that if you watch the Bachelor and I am soooo not admitting to that!

Oh all right, I’ll fold!  I am so excited to announce that I am heading to Austin, TX tomorrow bright and early to learn and absorb all that I can from the amazing Michele Anderson of Pinkle Toes Photography (now do you get my image above non-photogs?)!!

I can’t wait to share when I get home, but for now you will just have to imagine me riding into the sunset on a horse and kicking my heels up because I’m ditching the toque and parka for pretty girl clothes and heels!!

See you next week!

Shona xox
